Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day 150: Denny's!

Today has been an eventful day. Edward has had a couple of restless nights, and last night he was very bad. I noticed he was pulling at his ear a lot, so I thought he might have an ear infection. I gave him some pain medicine and he finally went back to sleep. I decided he should see the doctor, so I made an appointment for him at 11.30. I was reading at the 12.00 mass today though, so Dave had to take him on his own. I took Elizabeth with me. Dave made it just in time for the start though. I was right, Edward does have an ear infection. He's on antibiotics now, and already more himself, although he still has no appetite.

So even though he was sick, we went out this afternoon. I have been wanting to get a double stroller for a while now, as the kids are getting too big to both squeeze into the single one we have, but they both still like to ride in it. I had a coupon for 20% off at Babies R Us this weekend, so we went to our local one yesterday to see if we could fine one we liked. We did, but they didn't have it in stock, so they called a store in San Jose and put one on hold for us. So today we drove out there to pick it up. While we were there we went next door to Toy R Us and let Elizabeth pick out some toys for her birthday. She got a bit upset that she couldn't have them right away, so we went to Goodwill so she could get something cheap. We were all hungry afterward, and usually we would just go to McDonald's, but Dave suggested we go to Denny's instead. We haven't been there for ages. We used to go a lot when we were in Pittsburgh. So we went to the Sunnyvale one, and it was really nice. The kids didn't eat much, especially Edward, but Dave and I enjoyed it!

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