Thursday, October 14, 2010

Day 287: A little light reading

I've just joined the team that leads the RCIA program in our church. RCIA is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, a program for anyone who wants to join the Catholic Church. I went through the same program in 2002 when I became Catholic, culminating in my baptism at the Easter Vigil. I decided to join the team a couple of months ago when we had a ministry sign-up day at church, and I'm quite convinced I made the right decision. When I met with Fr William to discuss what my role will be, he told me he had been praying for another woman to join the team. Then, when I went to my first meeting last Sunday, I could feel the Holy Spirit guiding me and giving me the right words to say to the candidates.

We have about 12 people in the group at the moment, and 4 more should be joining next month. We meet twice a week, On Sundays after mass to discuss the readings for that week, and on Monday nights to talk about other topics they need to know about. There will be a retreat for the 4 new members in a couple of weeks, and I've been asked to share my story as I've been through the program quite recently. I'm looking forward to it.

Fr William lent me these books to guide me in my new role as a team leader. I think it's going to take me a while to get through them!

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