Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 48: Edward's Checkup

Today Edward had his annual checkup. He's doing fine, all his development is on track and he's in great shape. The only minor concern the doctor had was his speech. She said he should be saying about 100 words by now, and be able to put two words together in a sentence. She told me to start making a list of everything he can say. So far I'm up to 25, with about 5 'sentences'. A lot of those aren't really words yet, but I know what he means when he says them. I'm not worried about his speech at all. I've heard boys start speaking later than girls, and he doesn't seem to have any problems communicating.

Edward was very scared of the doctor. I'm not surprised - 3 out of the last 4 times he's gone he got shots! Now he thinks every time he goes he's going to get a shot. But even though he was scared he did really well. He clung to me while the doctor examined him, but he didn't make as much fuss as I thought he would, and he let the doctor do what she needed to do. The worse parts where when he was weighed and measured, as I couldn't hold him for that!

While we were there I also had the doctor check Elizabeth out. She's had a nasty cough for a few days now, and was running a fever for a couple of days too. But the doctor said her lungs sound fine, and her ears are clear. So for now I'm just continuing to give her cough medicine, but the doctor said she can give me a prescription one if it doesn't clear up soon. Elizabeth has been quite down with this cough, complaining about feeling sick all the time, and not eating much. I'm hoping she can go back to school tomorrow though, I think it will do her good.

This is a picture of the outside of the doctor's office building. I was going to take a picture of the kids while we were waiting, but I never got a chance. It's a nice place, all the doctor's seem nice and sensible too. The hospital is in the same building which is nice. So when I was going for OB checks, when I gave birth, or whenever we have to go to the ER, it's all in the same place. And it's only 10 minutes from our house, which is very convenient!

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